03/12/2021 – The New Leisure Class

We are the new leisure class. We aren’t wealthy, or even middle class in most cases. All we have is leisure. Leisure which would normally be spent on dining out, theater, concerts and recreational sports.

We are the people who haven’t been financially affected by the pandemic. We may even be better off financially because we don’t spend much money on anything but food – if you aren’t going out much, gas is a substantially reduced expense.

We are retired. We live on fixed incomes that aren’t even adjusted for inflation anymore, and if not for the pandemic we would face gradually tightening budgets.

It’s pretty hard for me not to feel guilty about this. All my younger friends, especially those with school-age children, are facing very serious problems, which I can do nothing to alleviate. Demands on their time are constant and overwhelming. Meanwhile, I sit around playing video games, writing this blog when I feel like it, and going out for walks in natural spaces where I don’t even have to wear a mask.

Of course, I miss all the social and other usual leisure time activities, but I have the leisure to spend time organizing those that can be safely done; right now I’m planning to restart the jam sessions we were having last year even in the depths of the pandemic, only now, since most of the group is older, and all are now vaccinated, we can do it without masks outdoors – last year, it was outdoors, with masks and distancing. I still get together with my band for practice bi-weekly. And I’ve led my first group hike of the year (with masks).

I also feel guilt over my own impatience with my non-leisure class friends when they don’t respond in a timely fashion, or unable to help with projects I devise, because of the daily hassles they face. I have to keep reminding myself that I live a life of leisure unavailable to them; even if they are better off financially, I have a wealth of time.

I think of the traumas they have to deal with, and wonder if they will ever fully recover from this pandemic period. And I wish I could find a way to help.

Best wishes to all for better days ahead, and some leisure time of your own.

Weather Report:  60/37, Dewpoint 28, Humidity 34%, Barometer 30.43; mostly sunny today, sunrise at 07:04, set at 18:50 and moonrise at 7:07, set at 18:10, waning crescent.

Covid 19 Report: US (CDC): 29,052,862 total cases, 527,726 deaths, 141.6 (!!) cases per 100K.  Indiana (ISDH): 671,023 total cases, 12,409 deaths; positivity (all) 3.1% (7 day) and positivity (unique) 8.7% (7 day).

About hopefulspontaneousmonster

In my seventies, and still influenced by the counterculture of the 1960s. My interests include music (playing, rather than listening), progressive politics, outdoor activities, stargazing and cosmology, technology, science and logic.
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